= Grandir

In Ear's kitchen - poster

Fiche du spectacle - Parents In Ear's kitchen

In Ear's kitchen

By the company Le Moulin à Musique
In Ear's kitchen - poster


How can we live well together with our differences?

Show summary

An elderly woman, both meticulous and reclusive, is threatened by the sudden presence of a dashing young man in her home. Each one having their own secrets, habits and pasts, they open up to each other in a very special-sounding kitchen. This impromptu meeting has many surprises in store for them both!

The two characters are accompanied on their journey into the heart of music by two onstage musicians, creating musical moments that are comical, surprising and positive in a lively kitchen unlike any other. The show addresses themes of listening, sharing, helping one another and intergenerational relations.

The person who created the show wants

  • Demonstrate the value of sharing and mutual aid within a family or group of friends
  • Encourage receptiveness and attentiveness to others
  • Raising awareness of another way of communicating: non-verbal language or the importance of gesture

The person who created the show doesn’t want

  • Believing that differences necessarily separate

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School outings help to make learning meaningful by bringing pupils into direct contact with the natural or cultural environment.


They bring children face to face with reality, elicit astonishment and emotions, and offer new perspectives.


They also draw on children’s social, motor and cognitive skills.


They help children learn about living in a community and establishing relationships between adults and children who are different from those in the class.


Outings are not simply something “extra,” but provide a unique opportunity for personal and collective reflection that will be meaningful for students throughout their years at school.

Steer away from the usual questions in order to share a moment with your child.


With your face and/or body, express without using words what you felt during the outing. Now it’s my turn to express without words what I was feeling during the day.


Before we turn out the lights, tell me something from the show that you’d like to dream about. Now it’s my turn to share an image or something positive that I experienced today and that I’d also like to dream about.


If you were to recreate this show in your own way, how would you do it? Would you like to show it to me? If I were to act in it, what would you want me to do?